Tuesday 21 May 2019

Tips for tackling those tasks which are weighing you down

One of the main reasons behind our inability to relax regularly is the seemingly endless number of day-to-day tasks we need to get through. Nevermind that you have a full-time job to deal with, there are always 101 things which seem to need going, but never get done. You could be tired, stressed out or simply daunted by the sheer volume of things on your to-do list. Relaxation can wait.

However, you can get yourself into a calmer frame of mind by tackling these tasks in a more structured way. Here are a number of ways to burn through that mental to-do list that’s weighing down on your brain every day.

Get a ‘Things to do today’ book

This can anything from a diary with pages for each day to any sort of book with blank lined pages. Write the date on each page and underneath it, the list of things you need to get done in that day. Do not list any more than five tasks as this will overwhelm you. Instead jot down a few things which need done and tick them off as you do them. Ticking off is great way to get a little mini buzz of achievement and also means you’re whittling down that list bit by bit.

Ask for help

You may be too proud to ask, but trying to tackle everything yourself will send you crazy. If your kids are old enough, try and think if there are little things you can trust them with. For bigger tasks, try to rope in friends and family and this has the added bonus of creating a social aspect to your task tackling.

For more advice on how to tackle to tough things in life and achieve relaxation check out the books at www.unnomedia.com.

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