Monday 19 November 2018

Napping: A quick snooze to improve your mood

It may seem obvious, but a great cure for tiredness and exhaustion is sleep – but not just at night time. Stresses of trying to balance work and family life and other commitments meaning people are more sleep deprived than ever nowadays. Not only are we not getting the required eight hours a night which we require, but a minuscule amount of us are managing to get a nap during the day.
Napping may be seen as only something for the lazy and work shy, but there are substantial scientifically proven benefits to napping. A short sleep in the middle of the day of around 20 minutes can improve alertness and improve our mood. It can also give you an energy boost when you are flagging in the afternoon and will improve road safety as you will be more aware of what’s going on around you when you get behind the wheel of your car.
Enlightened employers know the benefits of napping and will provide facilities for their employees to take a quick snooze as they believe it will benefit productivity. Everyone from astronauts to truck drivers know the advantages of being able to get a little shuteye that isn’t part of their nightly sleep and so many more employers should be open to the idea of allowing their workers to nap during work hours.
To get the most out of your napping time, make sure you are in a quiet and comfortable place and try to relax, clear your mind and concentrate on your breathing.

For more tips and information on how to relax and battle, stress checkout the titles at

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