Thursday 12 October 2017

The Accident: Gripping, Sophisticated, And A Page Turner

Every human mind is unique, so are their choices. When it comes to reading, different people have different inclinations. Some like reading romances, some horror, some non-fiction and some of the more enthusiastic bibliophiles out there like reading suspense.

They enjoy reading content that keeps them at the edge of their seats and has a mystery that needs to be resolved. Unlike earlier times, you do not need to go to a bookstore to buy a suspense novel, you can visit sites like Unnomedia and avail a number of books of this genre.

Suspense writers have a knack for picking a setting that is inherently suspenseful. But there are some who break the stereotypes and one such writer is Chris Pavone. In his thriller novel The Accident, he describes the story of a literary agent, Isabel Reed, who finds a manuscript with some ruinous secrets about a real-life mogul, She also discovers that the script has some long-hidden secrets of her own past as well.

In Copenhagen, veteran CIA operative Hayden Gray decides that this story should be buried, and in Zurich, the author of the manuscript himself in a shadowy expat life, trying to redeem himself from all his wrongdoings and betrayals with publication of The Accident. In a span of one long perilous day, these lives collide as the book begins its journey towards publication. All the people involved in the publishing are forced to confront the consequences of their ambitions, the schisms between their ideal selves and the people they actually have become.

The action of the book takes place around Europe and America with an intricate web of duplicities going all the way back to a dark winding road in New York, where the shocking truth about the accident itself is buried.

The Accident is up for grabs on Unnomedia, it is a book that you definitely do not want to miss!

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